Which chart is most important in astrology?

It is a complementary chart to the birth chart in which the planetary strength is evaluated. A planet exalted in the birth chart (if it weakens in the Navamsha) may not give very good results or its effects may be diluted.

Which chart is most important in astrology?

It is a complementary chart to the birth chart in which the planetary strength is evaluated. A planet exalted in the birth chart (if it weakens in the Navamsha) may not give very good results or its effects may be diluted. In recent years, astrology is becoming increasingly popular in society at large. However, it is easily dismissed because horoscopes and astrology sites provide forecasts based on your sun sign.

Your sun sign is the constellation that the sun passed through when you were born. It is the essence of your soul and is undoubtedly the most dominant aspect of your letter. Solar transits occur approximately every month. That's why we associate certain signs of the zodiac with different months.

Your moon sign rules the deepest part of your personality. It is an indicator of your subconscious tendencies, innate abilities, etc. It intensifies the traits seen within your sun sign. Lunar transits occur approximately every other day.

Navamsa's letter is considered the most important to study for marriage, physical appearance, nature and character of the spouse. The 12 constellations of the zodiac observed and used in Ancient Rome, although their origins can be traced even earlier, are placed along the “path of the sun seen from Earth”. Your sun sign is determined by the constellation of the zodiac that is behind the sun on the date of your birth. This is the one you undoubtedly already know; the most well-known and important aspect of your birth chart.

Essentially, your sun sign speaks to your most basic identity. It represents your ego, your daily actions, the dynamic expression of your will. Divisional charts should be used in conjunction with a natal birth chart (d) so only you can read a horoscope effectively. Serena Williams, the most talented female athlete on Earth, has all her planets on the right side of her chart.

Before making the letter, they often express to me that they do not completely resonate with their sun sign. Some patterns between aspects are dramatic enough to be visible from the small view of the chart in Astro-Databank as described above. Regardless of your level of interest, a full reading of the birth chart is an interesting canvas on which to explore your personality. Divisional charts are like mini horoscopes that are created by dividing each sign of the birth chart (D-) into several sections.

To make things easier, sages have given a beautiful and easy method in which planets placed in exaltation or proper sign in divisional charts are considered BENEFICIALLY placed. Trimshamsa (D-30) — This chart would give us details about the happiness, misfortune, miseries, evils and difficulties that a person may have to face in his life. However, it is important to remember that these charts are designed to provide descriptions and possibilities, not absolute ones. Alternating between silly, sweet and serious, this book is full of deep dives into the minds of everyone whose birth chart you can get your hands on.

Although there are different rules for each division chart, there are some established rules that are universally applicable to all divisional charts. It is also important to observe a planet or luminary very close to an angle in the chart, as it adds emphasis to that part of the person's life. Similarly, there are several divisional tables that help to beat minute details of different houses of a horoscope.

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