I have a burning question that has been hanging over me for some time. This is partly because it doesn't feed some people's main goal with astrology: to be able to talk about themselves or have something to blame on their psychological problems. We've all heard of people who go from psychics to tarot readers and astrologers asking the exact same question trying to get the answer they're looking for. When people are introduced to astrology, they are usually told that it is a personalized self-help tool that effortlessly combines spirituality and psychology into something that provides accurate and easily accessible guidance for people in need.
Because natal astrology has overshadowed the other branches of astrology and has taken full precedence, I see many people publishing their birth charts looking for answers to specific, time-sensitive questions. The astrological character of the moment contains the question (s), the situation and the answers at that time. In addition, many thanks to Deborah Houlding for her years of work and dedication to making learning astrology accessible to all. Buildings, dams, cities, states, organizations, all that is worldly astrology, not personal birth charts.
However, some traditional astrologers would say that about Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, so where an astrologer draws the line it tends to be somewhat arbitrary. The prominence of natal astrology has only been a phenomenon for 150 years, as more than the general population began to notice their birth time and it developed parallel to the advent of psychology. It forces you to wonder what astrology really is, what it does, how it works and what it can be used for. Instead of learning to do what is (contrary to what many seem to believe) a relatively simple form of astrology, I've had people with no experience in it tell me it “can't work.” You should be able to get all the information you need just from the astrological chart (or from a tarot reading just for that matter).
Another great astrologer and author whom I would like to thank for so much valuable information and knowledge.